A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Does India crave international recognition?

Barack Obama, the charmer, won over India. The US President enthralled Indians by declaring that “in the years ahead, I look forward to a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member”.

Tags: united states, india, pakistan, barack obama

Lights, Camera, Science at Film Festival in Jakarta

Albert Einstein once said: “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old questions from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.”

Tags: science diplomacy, indonesia

Russian culture headed to Vietnam

Russian cultural days will be held in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City from November 14 to 22, 2010 as part of a cooperative, two-year cultural exchange between the two countries.

Tags: russia, cultural exchange, vietnam

Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Will Obama’s Electoral Defeat Disrupt the Reset with Russia?

The Russian political class cringed last Wednesday morning on learning that U.S. President Barack Obama had suffered a humiliating political defeat in the mid-term elections, losing Democrat control in the House and barely hanging onto a razor-thin Democrat majority in the Senate.

Tags: united states, russia, barack obama, cold war, republican party

American Bigshots Doing the Country Proud Overseas

Hillary Clinton, genuinely funny and admiration-generating in a stint this week with two of Australia's broadcast comics, Hamish and Andy...Barack Obama, at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, making a speech about democracy in Indonesia, and a reprise on last year's appeal to Islam -- but also daring to talk a little bit in the Bahasa Indonesia ("language of Indonesia") he heard around him as a child.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, hillary clinton, australia, barack obama, indonesia

Obama Finds His Footing

It’s a colossal shame that presidential life has no magic rewind button, for if it did—and we could whirr ourselves back to June 2009—we’d have had Barack Hussein Obama skip Pharaonic old Cairo, city of the ghastly Hosni Mubarak and a tightly coiled hatred of the West, and deliver his first major speech to a Muslim nation in Indonesia...

Tags: government pd, public opinion, barack obama, indonesia, muslim

U.S.-India: A 21st Century Partnership

Just as the second half of the 20th century was characterized by America's Atlantic partnership, the India-U.S. relationship will be the defining feature of the 21st century. Indians applaud President Obama's open appreciation and acknowledgement not only of Indian history and culture, but of the independent path India took toward prosperity. This path, which included a socialist economy and non-alignment, was one of the key causes for estrangement between these two democracies during the Cold War era.

Tags: united states, government pd, india, economic relations

Israel Needs to Correct Dismal Public Relations

Israel’s public image today is dismal. As Elie Wiesel once joked, “Jews excel in just about every profession except public relations, but this should not surprise us: when God wanted to free the Jews from Egypt he sent Moses, who stuttered.” However, today Israel’s problem is not that its leaders are stuttering, rather that they are stalling to show leadership toward ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. In doing so, they are sending a message to the international community that Israel does not care what the world thinks, and that it does not want peace after all.

Tags: middle east, government pd, public opinion, israel, middle east peace


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