A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Students Study in Growing Number of Countries and in Less Traditional Locations

U.S. students studied in significantly greater numbers in less traditional destinations in 2008-2009, according to the new Open Doors survey report released today by the Institute of International Education (IIE) with funding from the U.S. Department of State.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, cultural exchange, us department of state, youth, education diplomacy, study abroad

Death by a 1000 Cut: Is the Government Trying to Kill VOA Radio Transmissions?

Does radio still play a role in a world where that is increasingly cyber-connected and populated by smart phone users? The answer, according to Google’s Director of Policy and Planning Bob Boorstin, is very much a “yes.”

Tags: united states, international broadcasting, public opinion, voice of america, bbg, broadcasting, radio

Go forth and blog, tweet and post, US Catholic bishops told

"If the church is not on their mobile device, it doesn't exist," he said, likening social media to a "new digital continent" waiting to be evangelized.

Tags: social media, faith diplomacy, new media, religion, social networking, catholic church, catholicism

A Role for Science Diplomacy? Soft Power and Global Challenges – Part I

Science diplomacy (SD), a term which encompasses both the use of international scientific cooperation to advance foreign policy objectives and the use of diplomacy to achieve scientific ends, represents a critical component within the broader public diplomacy ambit. Science diplomacy is an expression of soft power.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, science diplomacy, canada

Why has the Global Forum for Health Research collapsed?

Barely a year ago nearly 1,000 people from 80 countries gathered enthusiastically at the Palacio de Convenciones in Havana, Cuba, under the banner 'Innovating for the health of all'. More than half came from low- and middle-income countries.

Tags: science diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, global health, best practices

Edinburgh International Festival 2011 Holds Far Eastern Promise

Next Summer's Edinburgh International Festival will focus on the cultures of Asia and the influence of Eastern cultures on artists in the West. Announcing the Festival 2011 theme ‘To the Far West’ in Beijing today, Festival Director Jonathan Mills promised "a heady three weeks of exquisite artistic exploration which I hope will intoxicate audiences."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, asia, scotland

Here’s how the world dances

They are completely in love with the traditional dance forms of India. They take inspiration from Indians when it comes to dressing up. They relish Indian delicacies. But most importantly, one thing they truly cherish than anything else is to strike a conversation in Hindi. And it doesn’t end here.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, non-state actors, cultural exchange, youth, dance

Obamas’ India experience to be showcased at Maximum India fest

Maximum India - a festival of India - will be held in Washington in March next year, showcasing Indian textiles, dance, music and cuisine to allow Americans 'experience' what US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle experienced in India.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, india, barack obama, gastrodiplomacy, dance


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