A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cuba’s Changes

A sustained effort of relatively quiet European diplomacy on the part of the European Union and the Roman Catholic Church towards Cuba on the issue of human rights, has brought a result...

Tags: europe, european union, human rights, cuba, catholic church

China’s Patience Paying Off in Central Asia

These significant strategic developments in all the major geographic theaters of the U.S. War on Terror further demonstrate the efficacy of Beijing's economy-first diplomacy and reflect China's growing influence in Central Asia as a whole.

Tags: china, public opinion, economic diplomacy

Why one Guatemalan newspaper now refuses to cover the giant sinkhole

The Tampa sinkhole that appeared Sunday is reminiscent of last month's Guatemala sinkhole. But despite the seemingly insatiable appetite for the story, The Guatemala Times newspaper is now refusing to cover the topic.

Tags: media, public opinion, guatemala

Diamondgate: Belgian Queen accepts diamonds from Congo’s Joseph Kabila

What was Joseph Kabila thinking? According to Congolese and Belgian press, President Kabila gave Queen Paola of Belgium a diamond necklace, earrings, and bracelet on the occasion of Congo's 50th anniversary celebrations. A bit of a PR catastrophe.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, belgium, democratic republic of the congo

“Anatolian tigers” go where Turkey’s diplomacy leads

Turkish President Abdullah Gul likes to walk, and where he goes, businessmen often follow. Gul likes the idea, probably more than his bodyguards, that the leader of a country whose foreign policy goal is to have no enemies and do business wherever it can is an unlikely target for anyone other than Kurdish militants back home.

Tags: government pd, turkey, economic diplomacy

Hassan Al Thawadi: The Iron Man Bidding For World Cup Qatar 2022

Hassan Al Thawadi is chief executive for the Qatar 2022 bid...Qatar is one of the most prosperous countries in the world, with gas and oil reserves and has futuristic plans for the 2022 finals.

Tags: public opinion, non-state pd, qatar, fifa world cup, soccer

Inter-faith dialogue best approach to counter Islamophobia: expert

Education and inter-faith dialogue is the best way to remove Islamophobia, Professor Liyakat Takim has said. “Until today, many Americans think that Allah is a moon god and Muslims are required to kill non-Muslims, these misconceptions have to be corrected through proper education and Muslims need to reach out to non-Muslims,” McMaster University professor told the Mehr news agency.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, faith diplomacy, islam

A Diplomatic Spat With a New Ally

A recent diplomatic spat between China and Costa Rica — which gained little notice outside the Spanish-language press — is the latest example of challenges Beijing faces in its effort to expand its influence overseas.

Tags: china, government pd, economic diplomacy, costa rica


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