A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Medals for Haiti recovery, little for homeless

Haiti's president handed out medals to celebrities, aid-group directors and politicians for post-earthquake work Monday in a ceremony designed to beat back criticism of an uneven recovery that has left 1.6 million people homeless and destitute six months to the day since the disaster.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, haiti earthquake recovery

On Missed Opportunities

In late June, The Washington Post had an article highlighting efforts by the American Embassy in Islamabad to correct the record when inaccuracies about the United States appear in the Pakistani press. Then, last Friday, the weekly public radio show On the Media had an interview with the lead spokesman for the United States Embassy in Islamabad, Larry Schwartz to discuss the effort reported in The Washington Post’s earlier article.

Tags: united states, media, government pd, pakistan, journalism

Silvio Berlusconi the master of ‘peek-a-boo’ diplomacy

The 73-year-old billionaire said his peculiar brand of statecraft was "based on being open to the interests of others and on friendship." He claimed his behaviour and saloon bar jokes, many of which revolve around banter about attractive young women, helped "bring down barriers" between leaders.

Tags: italy, berlusconi

World needs to hear our music

Chinese people are familiar with the slogan of "Let Chinese culture go abroad". However, there seems to be some misunderstanding, with many mistakenly thinking that "Chinese culture" only means traditional Chinese culture.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, music diplomacy, pop culture

Turkish, Armenian orchestra spreads peace message

The Turkish and Armenian Youth Orchestra is gathering for peace in Turkey. A total of 70 people will come together for three concerts. This is not diplomacy or football, it’s young people meeting in an international environment based in music, says the orchestra’s conductor, Nvart Andreasyan.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, turkey, non-state pd, music diplomacy, youth, armenia, peace

Stop the blogging ambassadors

The French have an expression for it: Il a manqué une belle occasion de se taire – "He (or, in this case, she) missed a good opportunity of staying silent." The saying was brought to mind by the affair of the British ambassador's blog...

Tags: public opinion, new technology, new media, united kingdom, blogging

Compassion Across Borders

As President Obama made clear...the world must unleash its collective imagination through social innovators, entrepreneurs and citizen diplomats to contribute to global development, respond to natural disasters, and initiate interfaith action to tackle preventable diseases like malaria. The moment is now.

Tags: public opinion, non-state pd, citizen diplomacy, social entrepreneur

Record tourism to Israel in first half of 2010

Minister of Tourism Stas Misezhnikov said, “The increase in incoming tourism... is the result of massive investment in marketing activities around the world with significant budgets, especially against the background of the public diplomacy challenges that Israel is facing."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, israel, tourism


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