A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Most Malaysian Diplomacy Officials Lack PR Skills, Too Shy

Forget about learning a foreign language. Or, even making Malaysia stand out. Most of our diplomacy officials attached overseas not only lack skills in public relations, but are also too shy when meeting with officials from other countries.

Tags: public opinion, malaysia

Basketball Diplomacy: Geithner Shoots Hoops in Beijing

Amid the big U.S-China issues of the day—rising tensions over North Korea, the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the two countries this week in Beijing — U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner took some time out Sunday for a half-court game of four-on-four with some students from a high school affiliated with Renmin University in the Chinese capital.

Tags: china, united states

Obama: U.S. nat’l security strategy to be based on education, clean energy, rights for terrori

President Obama’s speech at West Point Saturday is the most sweeping statement yet of his plan to create a national security policy emphasizing education, clean energy, green jobs, anti-climate change measures, the granting of full American constitutional rights to accused terrorists, and “engagement” with America’s enemies.

Tags: barack obama, diplomatic engagement, national security

Soft Power; The Media Show; Last Orders at the Spinning Disc; Exile of the Stones

Have you heard of soft power? Me neither and yet the phrase was coined in 1989 by Clinton aide Joseph Nye, to mean a nation's cultural influence, or at least the influence it has that isn't economic or military. In the World Service's documentary of the same name, the first of two half-hours on this interesting topic, soft power was defined as "the power to be loved. Hard power is the power to be feared".

Tags: hollywood, joseph nye, cultural influence

Nigeria: Nico - Marriage of Culture And Journalism

The one day capacity building workshop organized for Culture Journalists under the theme, Media and Cultural Orientation by the National Institute for Cultural Orientation (NICO), was a significant attempt at finding an interface through which the two institutions of Journalism and Culture can work together towards the socio-political development of the nation.

Tags: nigeria, cultural journalism, nico

China looks to Confucius to spread its message

While China is often seen as the centre for the production of cheap and sometimes poor quality goods, there are certain other exports the world’s most populous nation hopes will endure: language and culture.

Tags: china, confucianism

Beauty queens have a few lessons to teach diplomats

Diplomacy is too often practised behind embassy walls and by the stodgy few who have seats in formal organisations. But ambassadors, foreign ministers and heads of state too often look like tired conductors of an orchestra. They know all the protocols but have lost their appreciation for the art and theatre of diplomacy. What better place to rediscover this than at a beauty pageant?

Tags: non-state pd, beauty pageants

Clinton courts Chinese people; tough mission nears

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday that she would be pushing the Chinese for a "more balanced economic relationship" with the U.S. in upcoming economic and strategic talks in Beijing.

Tags: south korea, us-china relations


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