A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Dalai Lama to China: Follow me on Twitter

The Dalai Lama is on Twitter, and he's taking questions. Or he was, at least. For 90 minutes today, the spiritual leader of Tibet, who joined the social networking site in February, held an online conversation with the aim of reaching people inside China via Twitter.

Tags: faith diplomacy, twitter, dalai lama

Clinton lauds U.S.-Chinese ties at Shanghai Expo ahead of tough diplomacy on NKorea

Facing an uphill diplomatic struggle to win China's support for penalizing its ally North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday highlighted the benefits of U.S.-Chinese co-operation at the World Expo in Shanghai.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, shanghai expo, shanghai, us-china relations

Cultural Reorientation in Africa: Nigeria’s “Project Runway”

Nigeria, like much of the planet, has had a dramatic decade in terms of globalization. Politics and economics aside, indigenous Nigerian culture has been influenced--and in some cases altered--by Western style preferences and signifiers.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nigeria, nollywood

Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Turkey’s diplomatic dynamo

Turkey’s mercurial leader is clearly a man on the move – and he is taking his country along for the ride. A decade ago a somewhat cautious American ally and Nato member, Turkey today is becoming a force to contend with, particularly in the Middle East, a region it had kept at an arm’s length for decades.

Tags: turkey, recep tayyip erdogan

An army of amateur ambassadors

A new company called Debate Ltd. is helping Israel mobilize one of its most valuable resources – citizens traveling abroad – to counter negative media portrayals and improve its image.

Tags: israel, citizen diplomacy

NATO official vows to broaden ties with Pakistan

A top official of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Thursday vowed to broaden relationship with Pakistan and not limit it to military cooperation alone. He said that there is need to cooperate in public diplomacy so that Pakistan can be informed by NATO's changes.

Tags: pakistan, nato

US Hopes To Increase Education Exchange With The Sultanate

Public Diplomacy Country Coordinator at the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs of the US Department of State, Rhonda Ferguson-Augustus, told The Brunei Times that the department is interested in developing educational exchanges between the two countries.

Tags: educational exchange, brunei

South Africa: Grants for Jobless Youth?

The South African government was exploring a range of options to tackle the "stubborn" problem of youth unemployment, including a voluntary scheme where young people would get an allowance from the state, Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel told a youth jobs summit organized by the Young Communist League in Johannesburg yesterday.

Tags: south africa, unemployment


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