A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘Bikini diplomacy’: What a Muslim Miss USA means to the world

The Miss USA judges may have done more to further American cultural diplomacy than all of the efforts of USAID, the State Department, and Karen Hughes combined — this, after all, is the highest honor American popular culture can bestow...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, lebanon

Why China Can Be a Mideast Game-Changer

Despite the incredible energy Israelis spend on integrating with the American consensus - sending students to Harvard and MIT, scholarly hob knobbing and shoulder rubbing with policy institute doyens in Washington and political back scrubbing - no such efforts (or even signs of interest) are invested in developing relations with China.

Tags: china, middle east

America’s new ‘dual track’ approach to Iran nuclear program

When it unveiled an accord among the big powers of the United Nations Security Council for new sanctions on Iran, the US said it was a rebuff of a deal reached this week by Turkey and Brazil for an Iran nuclear fuel swap. But now, the Obama administration says, both sanctions and the fuel swap should be able to proceed: Both address aspects of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, although they take separate paths in doing that.

Tags: united states, government pd, iran

Striking a balance at the US-Mexico border

Anglo and Hispanic cultures have profoundly influenced each other far beyond their 2,000-mile-long border. On both sides, a great cultural fusion has been taking place. From conjunto music to business deals, tourism to sports enthusiasms, the fusion is mostly happy and productive. Sometimes it is not.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, mexico, immigration

Kerri-Ann Jones: The Role of Science Diplomacy in Advancing Global Health

With more than 3 million children dying around the world each year from malnutrition and nearly a billion people lacking access to clean drinking water, the role of science and technology in improving global health is more urgent than ever, a top U.S. State Department official told the recent AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy.

Tags: science diplomacy

Muslim concerns trigger Pakistani Web bans

Pakistan blocked YouTube and many other Internet sites Thursday in a widening crackdown on online content deemed offensive to Islam, reflecting the secular government's sensitivities to an issue that has ignited protests in the Muslim country.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, pakistan, social media

America’s Extended Hand

America's Extended Hand presents a comprehensive overview of how the Obama administration thinks about public engagement, how it has attempted to reorganize the government to deliver on that vision, and how it has performed across a number of crucial issues (including Muslim engagement, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran, China, democracy promotion, and combating violent extremism).

Tags: united states, government pd, barack obama

Immigrants can buoy Japan

There is one area, however, where Japan could engage in a strategy that would simultaneously help its economy and give it an edge over China. This is immigration. Japan is unique among economies that are highly developed and in demographic decline in having so few immigrants.

Tags: soft power, japan, asia pacific


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