A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

David Cameron signals new approach on Europe with visits to Paris and Berlin

The newly co-operative Tory approach to the EU was on display today when George Osborne, the chancellor, attended his first meeting of EU finance ministers (Ecofin) in Brussels. Osborne said the government would adopt a "new constructive, engaged approach."

Tags: united kingdom, european union

Road to Pyongyang still leads through China

Kim Jong Il's recent visit to China was a gentle reminder that the road to Pyongyang leads through Beijing. China is the only power that has remained engaged with North Korea, through many ups and downs, whereas Russia, Japan, the United States and South Korea have all come and gone.

Tags: china, public opinion, north korea

Festival Africa creates hues of wilderness in capital

The five countries represent the four corners of south, east, west and central Africa with their distinctive cultures, dance, music, lifestyles and cross-cultural assimilation. The festival is in consonance with India's policy of strengthening its multilateral ties with Africa.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, africa

Patil’s China trip: Political dialogue, economic ties in focus

Political dialogue, cultural diplomacy and economic cooperation will be three crucial components of President Pratibha Patil's maiden visit to China from May 26 during which she will also inaugurate the first Indian-style Buddhist temple 'white horse' in Luoyang.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, india

Mexican president to make symbolic visit to Arlington Cemetery

When Mexican President Felipe Calderón pays his respects at Arlington National Cemetery this week, it will be more than a rote diplomatic gesture. He will be signaling the closure of a wound that dates from a 1914 U.S. military occupation -- and the vast improvement in U.S.-Mexico relations in recent years.

Tags: united states, government pd, mexico

Ethiopian Diaspora, US Rights Groups Seek Democratic Progress in Ethiopia

Members of the Ethiopian diaspora and U.S. human rights groups want the U.S. government to put pressure on its Horn of Africa ally Ethiopia to implement democratic reform, ahead of parliamentary elections Sunday.

Tags: united states, public opinion, democracy, ethiopia

Where the UAE trains its diplomats

Twenty-two students are studying a dedicated master’s course at Zayed University, the first of its kind in the region and one which the students hope will be the foundation for a career in the higher echelons of diplomatic relations.

Tags: government pd, united arab emirates

Europe has been damaged by internal wrangling

Whatever the fate of the euro, the prevarication and long arguments over how to help it have damaged the EU in at least four ways...a tardy and muddled response to the euro crisis has greatly tarnished the EU’s soft power and global standing.

Tags: europe, european union, economic diplomacy


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