A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Palestine President's Gift Diplomacy Ahead of Modi Israel Visit

Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much-anticipated visit to Israel, Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas has played the gift diplomacy. Abbas has presented a mosaic and an artwork to PM Modi with his name written in Arabic, according to Indian Express report. “Invaluable gift of a warm friendhip,” MEA spokesperson Gopal Baglay had tweeted. PM Modi’s proposed visit to Israel assumes significance as it would be the first such tour by an Indian Premier. But this gift diplomacy also signals that Palestine wants a plausible closer ties with India.

Tags: india, israel, palestine, narendra modi, President Mahmoud Abbas, two-state solution, gift diplomacy

President Trump’s Vatican Visit Highlights The Importance Of Diplomatic Ties

President Trump’s decision to visit the Vatican on his first overseas trip underscores the importance of United States diplomatic relations with the Holy See. History shows that the moral persuasion, or “soft power” diplomacy, of the Holy See is an important resource for successful pursuit of American foreign policy goals. Going forward, the United States and the Holy See should work together on their common objectives of defeating Islamic extremism and promoting human rights.

Tags: smart power & soft power, government pd, the vatican, President Trump, us foreign policy

Why NATO’s Public Diplomacy Matters For Ukraine

Public diplomacy has always been an essential part of NATO’s mission.  NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) understands that in order to keep our people safe and to protect the values we hold dear – democracy, individual liberty, human rights and the rule of law – we must have the support of the public. Public diplomacy is about making sure that the public understands what NATO is, what it wants to achieve, and how it tries to achieve it. 

Tags: ukraine, government pd, nato, history & theory, soft power

Be A Guide For One Day And Show 'Your' Luxembourg

Do you know something about Luxembourg most people don't? Or maybe you have a specific angle on a well-known Luxembourgish subject, place or activity? If so, then Luxembourg's Economy Ministry is hoping to recruit you as a "guide for one day" as part of its latest nation-branding effort. The guided tours that will be offered through this initiative will start from June 23 and can range from local life, night life, shopping, history, Luxembourgish markets, cafés and gastronomy to leisure and sports.

Tags: nation branding, international broadcasting, tourism, government pd, luxembourg

Envoy Urges Expansion Of Iran, Russia Cultural Ties

Iran’s Cultural Attaché in Moscow Reza Maleki stressed the need to further promote relations between the Islamic Republic and the Russian Federation, saying enhanced cultural ties between the two nations will pave the ground for closer political relations. “Relations between Iran and Russia should not be confined to the level of the governments,” Maleki said in a meeting about cultural relations and their impact on political ties held at the University of Tehran’s Faculty of World Studies.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, russia, people to people diplomacy, tourism

Einaudi Speaker Touts Value of International Education, Languages

Multilingualism and the ability to understand cultures helps in solving global crises such as climate change and military conflicts, said Obama administration official Mohamed Abdel-Kader May 10 as part of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies’ Distinguished Speakers Series. Abdel-Kader, an Egyptian-American who speaks fluent Arabic and basic Spanish, said that although learning a foreign language is often considered a luxury, it is in fact a highly marketable skill in the modern job market.

Tags: public opinion, Cultural Diplomacy, global understanding, multilingualism, education

Special Envoys Are First Step In Normalizing Summit Diplomacy

President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday met with his special envoys and emphasized the need to normalize diplomatic affairs. “The new government inherited grave diplomatic and security circumstances, and summit diplomacy has been put on hold for more than six months. Sending the special envoys is the beginning of summit diplomacy,” Moon was quoted as saying by Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Park Soo-hyun following the president’s meeting with the envoys.

Tags: Korean PD, vladimir putin, government pd, diplomatic envoys, china

Diplomacy and Foreign Aid Are Pillars Of American Global Leadership

The Trump administration is considering folding the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) into the State Department and making deep cuts to both foreign assistance and diplomacy. These proposals spring from the vaguely articulated principle of “America First” and a belief that the United States spends too much money on foreign assistance and not enough on its own people. This idea is designed to save the taxpayers money and make the country safer. It accomplishes neither. 

Tags: government pd, Trump administration, foreign diplomacy, usaid, foreign aid


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