A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nigeria Mulls "Cultural Diplomacy" with S. Africa over Xenophobic Attacks

The Nigerian government on Friday said it aims to launch "cultural diplomacy" with the South African government to end incessant xenophobic attacks on citizens of the west African nation in that country.[...]More than 100 citizens of Nigeria had been killed or injured in xenophobic attacks across South Africa since 2013, according to the Nigerian government. The government spokesman said cultural diplomacy was an effective tool that would end xenophobia and strengthen the understanding between the two countries.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nigeria, africa, south africa, Xenophobic

Brazil's Sharing of Best Experiences to Latin America & Caribbean Delegates

Representatives from Guyana and twelve other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will be in Vitória, Brazil from May 16 to 18, to learn about the Brazilian experience of School Feeding Programmes and purchasing from Family Farming, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said in a statement. The visit is an international exchange mission promoted by the Internal Cooperation Programme between the FAO and the government of Brazil.

Tags: international exchange, technical cooperation, brazil, latin america, caribbean

China’s Big Bet on Soft Power

China is a powerful international actor as the most populous country, the second largest economy, and a significant investor in modernizing its military. With early signs that the United States will emphasize hard power under the Trump administration, China has positioned itself as a champion of globalization and economic integration, perhaps signaling a desire to take on a greater international leadership role. It is doing this by doubling down on soft power, a measure of a country’s international attractiveness and its ability to influence other countries and publics. 

Tags: china, soft power, united states, OBOR, government pd, brics, confucius institute

UAE- Cultural Diplomacy Can Correct Arab Image in The West: Experts

A cultural diplomacy is the need of the hour to correct the West's misconceptions about the Arab world, said panelists at a session on the second day of the Arab #Media Forum in Dubai on Tuesday. During the session titled 'The Arab Image in the West' moderated by Saudi journalist Faisal Abbas, Nathan Tek, US State Department spokesman for the Middle East and the Gulf; Mark Donfried, executive director and founder of the Berlin Institute for Cultural Diplomacy; stressed the need for innovative efforts to change the negative image of the Arab world in western media.

Tags: uae, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, soft power, government pd, Media Forum, arab world, civil society

Russia’s Top Diplomat Lay Flower to Lend-Lease Memorial in Alaska

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak and Fairbanks Mayor Jim Matherly have laid wreaths at the monument dedicated to heroes of the Alaska-Siberia (ALSIB) Lend-Lease air route. During World War II, Fairbanks, Alaska, was part of the air route along which aircraft were transported from the United States to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease agreements.[...] From 1942 to 1945, Soviet and US pilots ferried about 8,000 warplanes, which had a meaningful effect on the course of the fighting on the Soviet-German front

Tags: russia, alaska, memorial, world war ii, sergey lavrov, government pd

PM Modi: Transforming India's Foreign Policy Through Soft Power

On the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in Sri Lanka to take part as the chief guest in International Vesak Day celebrations — the most significant day in Buddhist calendar — Chinese President Xi Jinping was giving final touches to the first Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a super-massive infrastructure project connecting China with Europe and Middle East. 30 world leaders have flown to Beijing to take part in Sunday's maiden forum.

Tags: india, PM Modi, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, sri lanka

How Tech, Laws and Leadership Impede Digital Diplomacy

Digital diplomacy, a priority for the State Department under the Obama administration, appears to be at a crossroads. [...] The department is particularly challenged now, Cochran said, "because there are not enough leaders in the building." "What you need is assistant secretaries, you need undersecretaries, you need deputy secretaries,” he added. “You need a team of people telling the crew, where's this ship going."

Tags: digital diplomacy, united states, new technology, digital communications, private sector, information technology, Opinion

Trump to Fund Mugabe, Says Diplomat

The United States has announced plans to increase its funding levels to Zimbabwe, particularly in the health sector — despite a diplomatic tiff between Washington and Harare. [...]    “We are very heartened that our Congress just passed the budget within the last few days and our President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) funding is remaining constant. In fact it will likely grow to almost $150m next year,” said Thomas.

Tags: Trump, zimbabwe, Donald Trump, united states, global health security, global aid & development, harare, hiv/aids, pepfar


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