Over the past month, foreign ministries (MFAs) have been actively involved in national efforts to stem the coronavirus outbreak. Thus far, foreign ministries have been charged with three tasks. First, offering consular...
CPD Launches New D.C. Program
The University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) is excited to announce two major events in Washington, DC this spring: a Forum on International Advocacy in the Digital Age and a Mini-Course in Effective Public Diplomacy: Evaluation and Impact. These programs build on CPD’s ten years of professional training programs and mark our expanded presence in the nation’s capital.
“Public diplomacy is now central to building global relations and international security. With our DC programs, we hope to further the discussion of its role and accountability,” says Jay Wang, CPD’s director
CPD Forum on International Advocacy in the Digital Age:
This forum will be held in conjunction with the Foreign Policy Group at the Canadian Embassy on April 20. Leaders from Canada, the U.S., Israel, and Mexico will present the latest thinking and practice in the emerging field of digital advocacy. They will provide public diplomacy practitioners and scholars with a better understanding of how to merge traditional and digital tools with a specific emphasis on measurement techniques.
CPD Mini-Course in Public Diplomacy: Effective Public Diplomacy: Evaluation and Impact
This intensive course, to be held in May, allows mid-career professionals or aspiring PD practitioners to accelerate their careers by developing skills in topics related to analysis, insights, and strategic planning. This workshop is designed to give attendees a working knowledge of common research and analytical tools needed to implement successful public diplomacy campaigns, while keeping in mind that analytical resources are limited in most workplaces. It is specifically designed to help participants:
- Get a clear explanation of the various kinds of evaluation tools available to you;
- Learn to combine basic social media analytics with traditional methods of program evaluation;
- Gain tips and advice on conducting actionable evaluation with limited resources;
- Become more discerning users of research and data resources.
For ten years, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy has been the go-to program for diplomats, non-state actors, international organizations, scholars, and business executives to engage in public diplomacy training. Our unique learning model of dialogue, presentations, simulations, and small group discussions provide participants the tools and skills needed for the practice of public diplomacy.
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