Jaffa Beach

July Blog Roundup: The Top 5

Soar into August by checking out these high-flying CPD Blog posts from July!

5) A Moment of Opportunity: Zika, Diasporas, and Public-Private Partnership by Deborah L. Trent. Taking advantage of partnerships to stop the spread of Zika. 

4) Russian Sports Diplomacy: Nation Branding: Nation Branding & Peacebuilding by Anna Velikaya. On Russian sports diplomacy.

3) How Donald Trump is Making Us Insecure by Tara D. Sonenshine. On Donald Trump's foreign policy.

2) The NATO Warsaw Summit: An Example of Successful PD by Barbora Maronkova. An analysis of the recent NATO summit in Warsaw.

1) Selfie Diplomacy: An Analysis of MFA Profiles Pictures on Twitter by Ilan Manor. How MFAs' profile pictures/cover photos project countries' online identities.

Photos from top to bottom: Photo by Jessica Spengler | CC By-SA 2.0 Photo by Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Agrário | CC BY-SA 2.0, Photo courtesy U.S. State Department | Public Domain