Your Favorites: 2017 Edition

The year 2017 was a busy one for CPD, as we hosted a number of events, published more than 120 blog posts, and did our best to bring you an assortment of interesting public diplomacy content.

Check out the most popular stories below:


10. Trump's Big Fail (So Far) at the BBG/VOA

In Part I of a two-part series, Dan Robinson looked at recent events involving the Broadcasting Board of Governors' oversight of Voice of America.



9. Q&A With CPD: Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

On the evolving concept of "soft power" and key challenges facing U.S. public diplomacy.



8. Stop Inventing "New Diplomacies"

Shaun Riordan on how creating more subsets of diplomacy can lead to confusion about what diplomacy actually is.



7. LA Confidential: Discovering the DNA of a Global City

CPD co-sponsored an event with the USC Office of Religious Life to examine what makes Los Angeles global from a range of perspectives.



6. Trumping Traditional Public Diplomacy

R.S. Zaharna explores what public diplomacy can learn from Trump's playbook.



5. CPD-Oxford Doctoral Conference: Digital & Public Diplomacy

CPD and the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group (DigDiploROx) co-hosted the first Doctoral Conference on Public and Digital Diplomacy.



4. CPD Mini-Course

Building upon CPD's successful training programs, we launched the series “Transforming Data into Insights for Public Diplomacy Strategy.”



3. USC Recognized as Top Communication School in 2017 World University Rankings

CPD's home institution received highest honors for the third consecutive year.



2. Out Now: 2017 Soft Power 30

The latest index and report was a joint effort from Portland Communications and CPD. Is your country on the list?



1. Conversation with Ma Ying-jeou, Former President of Taiwan

CPD was pleased to host Dr. Ma Ying-jeou for a conversation on cross-strait relations and the vital role of commerce, exchanges and tourism in forging new relationships between mainland China and Taiwan.


Photos (from top to bottom): Photo by Pixabay I CC0Photo by Tim Mossholder I CC0Image courtesy of Joseph S. Nye, Jr.; Photo via Alpha Stock Images I CC BY-SA 3.0; Photo by paulrommer I iStock; Photo by Gage Skidmore I CC BY-SA 2.0; Photo by Arkela I iStock; Photo by monsitjiStock; Photo by paseidon I CC0; Photo by Pixabay CC0; Image courtesy of Ma Ying-jeou