Since taking office in 2013, Rufus Gifford has been a popular guest on many Danish radio and television shows. And in 2014, the Ambassador appeared on his own six-episode reality show, which followed his professional and...
KEEP READINGThe Proud Diplomat: A Resource for LGBT Diplomats
The life of a diplomat, as well as that of a diplomat's spouse, is full of constant upheavals. It didn't take long for Kevin Huntting to realize that LGBT couples face additional hurdles, from visa issues to prejudice, throughout their foreign service careers. With this in mind, the digital marketing consultant launched The Proud Diplomat in August 2016, intending to create "an informative space for the LGBT Diplomatic community and their spouses, partners, family and friends, filled with personal stories, relevant information, and inspiring places to see & visit."
What began as a place to swap stories also possesses a citizen diplomacy dimension; connecting, informing, and inspiring those within LGBT diplomatic circles as well as communicating the reality of LGBT foreign service officers to the general public. From thoughts on adjusting to life back home after service abroad, to advice from a same-sex expat partner, the site features a wide range of stories. Most recently, Huntting's husband, Jonathan Chait Auerbach—an officer within the Mexican Foreign Service and graduate of the 2012 CPD Summer Institute—authored a piece on how diplomats can help their partners adjust to a new country in both their professional and personal lives. The full article can be viewed here.
Photo by Tom Hilton I CC 2.0
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