People, Places, Power - Episode 13: The Bad Image | USC Center on Public Diplomacy

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People, Places, Power - Episode 13: The Bad Image

Jul 9, 2021


Note from the CPD Blog Manager: This post features the podcast People, Places, Power co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt. The podcast is produced by USC Master of Public Diplomacy 2021 alum Anna Podkowski and features Cull and Anholt in weekly discussion on international reputation, foreign policy and related issues along the way. Future episodes will cover technology, populism, specific nations and more.

Previously: Ep. 1: Biden's America | Ep. 2: Brexit Britain | Ep. 3: In Search of the Good Leader | Ep. 4: The European Union | Ep. 5: What Price Monarchy? | Ep. 6:  Cities and International Image | Ep. 7: Mega Events? Buyer Beware. | Ep. 8: Germany: From Pariah to Paragon | Ep. 9: Culture: Decorative or Useful? | Ep. 10: Can Individuals Make a Difference? | Ep. 11: Migration Nations | Ep: 12: Credible India?

Episode 13: The Bad Image

This episode considers what a country can do when its image goes bad. Simon and Nick look at countries with excellent stories to tell but located in regions associated with difficulty such as Chile in Latin America or Botswana in Southern Africa. They consider the difficulties facing newly established countries like Kosovo and for countries in times of crisis. They look at the damage to a country's image from being associated with conflict whatever the rights and wrongs of the issue, discussing Israel and Palestine in this regard. The episode concludes by underlining the value of a positive reputation in a moment of crisis and considers the path of the U.S. following 9/11.


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