South Asia

By harnessing the intermediary soft power of cultural icons like Taylor Swift, ASEAN countries can elevate their visibility, attract investment, and position themselves as key players in the global cultural industry.

The author Umme Laila explores how China uses soft power and public diplomacy to reshape its global image. 

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores the narrative strategies of ASEAN countries regarding the South China Sea.

The Chinese diaspora in Hollywood is a cultural agent leveraging Chinese soft power and helping the U.S. regain Chinese audiences.

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores China's narrative strategies.

Bangladeshi Government could leverage social media accounts and engage in domestic digital diplomacy to garner public support for its foreign policies.

A G20 sign with the G20 members' national flags at the back by alexmlx via Canva

USC Master of Public Diplomacy student Sudarshan Ramabadran explains how India can use the opportunity of chairing the G-20 and SCO to enhance its global engagement paradigm.

Ashok Mirpuri, Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States

Watch a conversation on current trends in public diplomacy in Singapore and the Southeast Asian region.

