South Asia

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores China's narrative strategies.

Bangladeshi Government could leverage social media accounts and engage in domestic digital diplomacy to garner public support for its foreign policies.

USC Master of Public Diplomacy student Sudarshan Ramabadran explains how India can use the opportunity of chairing the G-20 and SCO to enhance its global engagement paradigm.

Watch a conversation on current trends in public diplomacy in Singapore and the Southeast Asian region.

In May 2022, Vietnam hosted the largest regional sports event since COVID-19 and opened the door to new PD opportunities.

CPD, the Japanese American National Museum and NYU Brademas Center will host a panel at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles on June 23, 2022.

CPD hosted a forum at the National Museum of American Diplomacy in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 2022.

Cutting-edge research on digital spaces and how to develop effective messaging for your audiences.