Note from the CPD Blog Manager: This article was originally published by Foreign Policy here and is re-posted with permission. Learn about CPD's latest research on city diplomacy here. By 2050, two-thirds of the...
KEEP READINGExploring City Diplomacy
This spring, CPD and the Los Angeles Mayor's Office of International Affairs co-hosted a program, "The Future of City Diplomacy." The event convened representatives from 17 U.S. cities to explore the unique opportunities for cities and local governments to influence the international arena, and panelists discussed the evolving role of cities in addressing global challenges ranging from climate change and immigration, to citizen's health and security. The New York Office for International Affairs was a partner in this program.
Along with CPD Director Jay Wang, panelists included Nina Hachigian, LA Deputy Mayor for International Affairs; Penny Abeywardena, Commissioner for the NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs; Anthony Pipa, Brookings Institute; and Jaana Remes, McKinsey Global Institute.
"Today the question is no longer why city diplomacy but what U.S. cities should be doing on the world stage, and how," said Wang.
Watch the full panel below, or click here to view on CPD's YouTube playlist.
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