
See some of CPD's content related to the 2020 Dubai Expo, the 2015 Milan Expo and more.

What does "being secure" mean? Yasushi Watanabe surveys a range of case studies and analyses on the emerging concept of cultural security.

Fidel Castro remains an icon of freedom and struggle across Africa due to aid diplomacy dating back to the 1960s.
Recently, we analyzed the mediated public diplomacy efforts of Angola in the United States. To facilitate this analysis, we content analyzed American news coverage (by examining The Wall Street Journal and USA Today) from 2008 to 2015, as well as press releases from the Angolan embassy website, dating back to 2011. While the initial goal was to examine how CPD fellow Dr. Jami Fullerton’s Model of Country Concept might apply to a developing African nation, our findings also offered insights and suggestions for CPD’s research initiatives relating to Global Youth and Evaluation.
There is an informative intersection of research initiatives, both geographically and topically, when examining a nation like Angola, a resource rich sub-Saharan African country that is only a decade or so removed from years of horrific civil war. Recently, we analyzed the mediated public diplomacy efforts of Angola in the United States.

An analysis of Angolan PD.
See our interactive map of the 2015 World Expo in Milan!