
Oxfam Ambassador Kristin Davis Visits Dadaab Refugee Camp

A look at how non-state actors like celebrities influence foreign policy and global politics.

The G20 Summit

Shaun Riordan discusses how the importance of the G20 summit goes beyond its communique.

China’s island-building in the South China Sea may be the focus of the world’s attention in the region, but what’s happening beneath the waves deserves as much scrutiny and international action. It’s action where Australia could play a significant role. [...] Australia’s engagement with China on fishery matters should include an exchange of technical knowledge, skills and best practices to support better fisheries management.

Exhibition games, live streaming in Mandarin and by next year a ‘Chinese-influenced’ team all on the agenda for Aussie’s NBL. [...] It’s all part of a master plan that NBL chief executive Jeremy Loeliger hopes will see the Aussie game take off among China’s army of basketball fans. [...] Loeliger believes there’s huge opportunities for China and Australia to work together; he even aims to have a ‘Chinese’ team in the NBL by next year.

Headlines explore China's various public diplomacy initiatives to practice soft power.

As the trend of decreasing visitors from mainland China will likely continue, the Taiwan government is taking steps to increase tourism from other areas, including Japan, Korea, and South and Southeast Asian markets.

The University of Texas at Austin will establish a new interdisciplinary China Policy Center, with a charge to make enduring contributions to the study of China-related policy topics while advancing U.S.-China relations and Texas-China relations.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Chinese city of Dalian this week for the so-called Summer Davos comes at a time when China is assuming a greater global profile. [...] This week’s forum is not the first time this year that China has used the WEF to position itself positively on the world stage.
