
Beijing Foreign Studies University recently announced that it has established a Public Diplomacy Research Center during a press conference in Beijing on Aug. 26. This is China's first institution to specialize in public diplomacy research and its establishment will promote China's public diplomacy research to provide intellectual support for the practice of the government's public diplomacy and a platform for the public to participate in public diplomacy.

A small storefront leads to an English-language school run by Disney...Most students seem happy and engaged. As they ask each other questions, their English sounds no less articulate than that of similarly-aged Americans. Thousands of Chinese children have signed up for Disney’s schools since the first one was opened in October 2008.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il traveled to northeastern China—his second trip in four months to Pyongyang's chief ally—to visit a school attended by his father, in a symbolic move that appeared aimed at solidifying plans for his own succession.

August 26, 2010

The first public diplomacy research center in China was set up at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) Thursday. The center will serve as an open platform with social resources available to scholars to conduct research and offer advice to state departments, Chen Yulu, president of BFSU, said at a press conference.

The Turkish edition of China Today magazine will go on sale in major cities of Turkey starting from Sept. 1, which is expected to promote mutual understanding between Turkish and Chinese people and facilitate the two countries' business relations.

China International Broadcasting Network (CIBN), run by the state-owned radio station China Radio International, has recently been approved for establishment by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. This international new media broadcasting network will feature 61 languages and international characteristics.

China will showcase its culture to the Turkish in October, China's State Council Information Office said Tuesday. The "Experience China in Turkey" program will include trade forums, ethnic songs and dances, film weeks and food festivals, said a statement from the office.

August 23, 2010

As the contradictions of Asia’s water challenges have been laid bare this summer—with millions affected by flooding while others are hit by droughts—one thing has been made clearer: the coming water crisis could exacerbate already simmering domestic and regional tensions.
