
Most Taiwanese, who do not travel to or work in China, can only learn about Chinese by reading newspapers, watching television or listening to the radio. However, when Chinese come to Taiwan, locals can learn about their cousins from across the Strait first-hand, both the good and the bad. It’s a type of low-level diplomacy that cuts through misunderstandings and prejudices better than any ­government-sponsored effort.

August 23, 2010

In his short life the doctor achieved more genuine goodwill for India in China than modern diplomacy can conjure up. Last Tuesday in Beijing, an exhibition of rare black and white photographs to commemorate his hundredth birth anniversary opened at the Peace Palace near the Wangfujing shopping avenue.

North Korea's floods have received a flurry of media attention that appears aimed at burnishing the crisis-management skills of 'dear leader' Kim Jong-il – and bolstering his son's prestige as Kim's eventual successor.

As a venue for public diplomacy, the World Expo is highly valued yet under-analyzed. This is particularly true of the current Expo in Shanghai. For many countries, Shanghai Expo is the most expensive and arguably the most important one they have ever attended.

Last December the Beijing-based China Heaven Creation International Performing Arts Company purchased the White House Theater in Branson, a small town in the US Midwest and a popular destination for American vacationers...It is a small example of Chinese culture going international but there could be many more to come. China Heaven Creation is one of the 211 companies listed by the Ministry of Culture as key export-oriented culture enterprises.

August 19, 2010

As China and India rise in tandem, their relationship will shape world politics.

Taiwan's legislature approved a bill Thursday to allow Chinese students to study at local universities, dismantling another barrier in a bid to further ease hostilities between the once-bitter rivals. The bill, to take effect in early 2011, will allow local colleges to admit up to 2,000 mainland students a year to enrol in all areas except military, police and security-related studies.

China and Tanzania enjoys deep and traditional friendship with richer and richer cultural exchanges between the two countries, a senior Chinese diplomat said in Dar Es Salaam,on Thursday. Liu Xinsheng, Chinese ambassador to Tanzania, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the exhibition of "Henan in the Eyes of World Photographers", stressing the role of cultural exchange in enhancing the bilateral relations.
