
A visit by Chinese specialists in Tibetan studies provided an important opportunity for Chileans to understand more about Tibet, the director of the delegation said Tuesday.

Chinese tourists aboard a flight to Vancouver Wednesday will get a warm welcome normally reserved for important government officials as China and Canada inaugurate a new era of tourism trade under the Approved Destination Status (ADS) conferred on Canada last December by Beijing.

While voices in China continue to be raised against American naval exercises near the China coast and asserting Beijing's increased influence in global affairs, other voices are now being heard questioning the wisdom of China's increasing assertiveness.

World famous Chinese acrobatic show kicked off Monday in Nepali capital to mark the establishment of Nepal-China diplomatic relations...The show was co-organized by the World Cultural Net (WCN) (also known as Chinese Information Center) in Nepal together with Chinese Embassy in Nepal.

Eight of the Terracotta soldiers from China's Qin Dynasty and more than 100 Terracotta warriors from the ensuing Han Dynasty have arrived in Stockholm for an exhibition in the East Asian Museum starting Aug. 27, sources with the Chinese Embassy said here on Monday.

China is set to overtake Japan as the world's second largest-economy in a resurgence that is changing everything from the global balance of military and financial power to how cars are designe

Japan Prime Minister Naoto Kan ordered his cabinet to avoid the controversial Yasukuni Shrine on the Aug. 15 anniversary of the end of WWII. It underscores his shift toward improving relations with Asian neighbors.

August 16, 2010

China, driven by a desire for prestige and its own Nobel laureates, could soon lead the world in scientific research.
