communication technology

Facebook's guide to digital diplomacy and audience engagement.

An analysis of common misconceptions about digital technologies as tools for diplomacy.

Examining the global reach of city-level tech adoption, from drones to self-driving cars.
Hardly a day goes by where we don’t hear about yet another new podcast. In fact there are tens of thousands of them around the world and on every conceivable topic. While many have thought it was just a fad in that video would totally annihilate the traditional podcast (there are also video podcasts) nothing can be further from the truth. In fact September 30 is International Podcast Day, a day of celebrating the power of podcasts.
While cyber and Internet issues were once seen as technical issues solely reserved for computer geeks, today they are increasingly being seen around the world as inextricably linked to national security, economic growth, social development, and human rights. Therefore, these issues are increasingly a core aspect of our foreign policy.