consular diplomacy

Mexican diplomat Rodrigo Márquez Lartigue describes a U.S.-Mexico initiative via the Mexican consular network.

What does it look like to open the door of financial inclusion to U.S. migrants and immigrants? Mexican diplomat Rodrigo Márquez Lartigue describes a new ID card system.
India has expressed anger over the US Justice Department's decision to re-indict one of its diplomats on visa fraud charges and allegations she lied about how much she paid her housekeeper.
The government has been urged to limit consular services for dual citizens who travel on a foreign passport or who live outside Canada for prolonged periods, a report said Tuesday. The proposal was described in briefing books prepared for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and Trade Minister Ed Fast, and cited by the daily Globe and Mail.
In June of 2013, reports revealed contemplation by the United Kingdom to impose a £3000 (US $4,715.4) bond on visa applicants from some five countries; India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. According to the plan, this bond program and the visa applicants from the target countries will participate in a pilot scheme of a broad plan aimed at checking illegal immigration into the UK.

In June of 2013, reports revealed contemplation by the United Kingdom to impose a £3000 (US $4,715.4) bond on visa applicants from some five countries; India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. According to the plan, this bond program and the visa applicants from the target countries will participate in a pilot scheme of a broad plan aimed at checking illegal immigration into the UK.