cultural preservation

Sudarshan Ramabadran of the India Foundation's Center for Soft Power discusses how India is working with Cambodia on the preservation of historic temples.
Protecting cultural diversity is vital for peacebuilding in the Middle East, the head of the UNESCO Irina Bokova said at Madrid Conference today. [...] “Violent extremists target both heritage and human lives – they target victims and minorities from all backgrounds, Shebak, Turkmen, Yezidis, Muslims, Christians..." [...] “Violent extremists target schools, because they know the power of knowledge to counter their rhetoric drawing on false visions of faith and history," Irina added.
A new online tool enlists citizen scientists to help archaeologists.
The song playing was Taylor Swift’s ode to young adulthood, which is something of an anthem for American millennials. The lyrics transform an unexciting age into an identity, the uncertainty of youth into a celebration. [...] The song set the tone for that night and cemented what became a steadfast friendship among us, students from different continents with traits more different than similar.

CPD served as a knowledge partner at this week's event.

Martin Perschler discussed the challenges of cultural heritage preservation and its public diplomacy implications.