
Russia summit dedicated to the 20th anniversary of establishing relations of dialog partnership between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Moscow will help to define new goals of bilateral cooperation in the future, Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen said in an exclusive interview with TASS.

Pakistan's UN mission recently organised a cultural festival of ideas for the first time in the history of foreign office in New York, and it aimed to promote Pakistan's diverse cultural aspects including arts and literature. [...] A combination of cultural and public diplomacy is not only a powerful tool that can improve public image but can also help bring economic investment and tourism opportunities. 

Very soon, a life-long dream will become a reality for Areli Zárate, a young immigrant who was brought illegally to the United States when she was 8-years-old: She will be able to visit her homeland, Mexico. Zárate, who is now a teacher at Austin High School, is one of two immigrants of Mexican origin who lives in Austin and who will participate in the DACA Cultural Exchange Program, a five-week study abroad program in Mexico City that runs June 6 to July 8.

A dancer, choreographer, art administrator, organiser of Delhi Art International Festival and a writer with a mission, Pratibha Prahlad, was honoured with Padma Shri this year. In conversation with Geeta Sahai, she talks about the importance of cultural diplomacy, managing cultural scenario and encouraging the promotion of arts and art forms. 

On May 11, Moroccan King Mohammed VI visited Beijing and signed a new “strategic partnership” with his counterpart, Chinese President Xi Jinping. It calls for heightened political and economic cooperation in the realms of renewable energy, telecoms, and industry — among other forms of potential exchange, including the realms of education, cultural, and tourism.

Nashville is fast becoming a city with an international dimension. As the city’s growth accelerates, it’s hard not to notice the cultural and international growth taking place here as a result. This cultural evolution has come as a welcome addition to the leaders and founding members of Sister Cities of Nashville, who have been working to exchange ideas and cultures with citizens of the world since 1991.

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts announced the return of its Lincoln Center Global Exchange, a seminal gathering of world leaders and influencers devoted to exploring the power of art and culture to address the world's most daunting problems.[...] the second annual Global Exchange will focus on two themes: Art and Conflict and Art and the Environment.

Art is the centre of human life and it plays multiple functions in any given society (religious, economic, social etcetera). This means that its role in this period of rebranding is significant. Therefore, in all the sectors of the nation which are to receive serious attention from the rebranding project, culture is one of them. 
