digital engagement

Facebook's guide to digital diplomacy and audience engagement.
'Global in perspective, regional in focus' is the mantra underpinning Australia's forthcoming International Cyber Engagement Strategy -- but with trade come norms of behavior, and enforcement. [...] Australia's diplomatic engagement on cyber security matters will be detailed in the government's International Cyber Engagement Strategy, to be launched next Wednesday.

Cari Guittard's advice for how both state and non-state actors can connect with the public under the current president.
A decade ago, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division and its stakeholders stared blankly at the skyrocketing evolution of social media. Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, Twitter—just to name a few—were new phenomena which at first seemed to attract young people, but had no place in a serious international organization that dealt with high-level political topics, let alone security and defense.

The organization has come a long way in terms of digital communications strategy.
We can get hung up on the number of social media accounts a foreign ministry has, how many likes a tweet received, or how many followers we have. These numbers are great: they are easily measured [...] But they don’t go to the heart of Sam’s question: What difference has it made? In the end, as public servants, we need to demonstrate to taxpayers why it is worth investing in digital.

CPD's second roundup of 10 useful apps to maximize your digital presence.

CPD's new PD Digital series offers a selection of tech tips and tools for 21st century public diplomats.