economic diplomacy

The Indonesian Embassy in Moscow will again host the Festival Indonesia this year as part of economic diplomacy efforts to promote superior products and the potential of Indonesia. [...] The Festival Indonesia this year to promote superior products of Indonesia will be enlivened by among other things, business forum, products exhibition, Indonesian arts and cultural performances, and information services on Indonesia.

In terms of people to people exchange programmes, Ethiopia is one of the largest from Africa in terms of getting Chinese government scholarships. More than 4,000 Ethiopians have been offered such scholarships in China over the past ten years, he noted.

After lambasting both Tokyo and Beijing over their trade and currency policies, the new President of the United States has made constructive contact with the leaders of both Japan and China. But conflicting statements by American policymakers indicate that Washington will take time to craft a lucid policy towards Asia. As America reassesses its Asia policy, Europe must redefine its own relationship with the region. 

iSoftStone, which is providing technical support to this Bangladesh project, is a global leader in digital city technologies based in Beijing. It has developed smart city strategies for over 100 municipalities and has implemented more than 50 related digital solutions. The organisation provides comprehensive end-to-end solutions to governments, industries and enterprises with urban management, industrial application, services for livelihood improvement and city innovation.

January 6, 2017

This new rail route, which will traverse Kazakhstan, a part of Russia, Belarus, and the EU before entering the UK via the Channel Tunnel, is part of a rapidly growing network that now consists of 39 rail lines, which directly connect 16 cities in China with 15 cities in Europe. What is now a paradigm-shifting international trade network, arose from humble beginnings in Chongqing in 2012. 

The outcome of the U.S. election has created considerable uncertainty at the country’s future policy directions towards the Asia Pacific. While it is difficult to predict how U.S. economic diplomacy in the region will change [...]. As a general rule, the United States has had more care for the development of the international system of global trade and investment than many other countries. 

Now there are serious decisions that need to be made in the coming months and years by Japanese foreign policy makers. Both an independent and new foreign policy for Japan in different parts of the world and a new approach to the alliance system with the U.S. may be necessary. Globetrotting may make Japan more visible up to a certain point. 
