
A co-authored textbook on international diplomacy, a paper on ethics in digital diplomacy, a Doctoral Conference in Oxford, and more.

Examining Trump's recent controversies to understand the Presidency in the coming months.

As evidenced by the Masot case, the distinctions between acceptable and non-acceptable diplomatic practices are blurring.
Coinciding with the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development to be celebrated throughout 2017, the third International Congress on Ethics and Tourism will be held in Poland, on 27-28 April 2017. Organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the European Commission (EC) and the Government of Poland, the event will focus on the shared responsibility of all stakeholders in promoting a more sustainable tourism sector.
Corporate Europe Observatory, a Brussels based think-tank released an enlightening research report this week entitled “Spin doctors to the autocrats: how European PR firms whitewash repressive regimes.” It reveals how often the PR industry faces ethical challenges with big money being dangled in front of us to represent controversial interests.
Neither Al Jazeera English nor the Arabic network have a full-time ombudsperson, such as the CBC’s standards editor or the New York Times’s public editor Margaret Sullivan. For its part, Al Jazeera America has made copious public announcements about glitzy hires but has hired no full-time audience advocate. Al Jazeera America needn’t feel sheepish; Fox and MSNBC have no ombuds listed among their editorial staffs, and neither responded to calls and emails as of this writing.