international broadcasting

Larry Macaulay first arrived on Italy's shores in May 2011 after taking a dinghy from war-torn Libya. […] He recalls the long journey from Nigeria and how he ended up in 2014 as the founder and editor-in-chief of the Hamburg-based Refugee Radio Network (RNN) […] Between January and April of 2015, RNN started by taking phone calls from refugees and broadcasting an hour-long Refugee Voices show […]

Washington, DC 30 April ' The fifth annual International Jazz Day celebration came to a thrilling close on Saturday night with the worldwide broadcast and streaming of the International Jazz Day 2016 All-Star Global Concert from the White House.

The Nerve Center

With Al-Jazeera America's end, what is the state of English-language news networks?

Hollywood’s relationship with the Middle East still relies on stock scenes and clichés. Films often proselytize American militarism while vilifying the largely Muslim region. Can Hollywood get out of this rut, and better yet contribute to the battle of ideas between Western democracies and radical Islam? 

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has pledged to uphold press freedom, saying it is the government’s “constitutional responsibility” and an indispensable element that makes Hong Kong an international city. Leung was delivering a speech on Monday at the presentation ceremony of the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong’s annual news awards.

Social entrepreneur and educator Aziz Abu Sarah describes how he came to lead tours in which Jews, Muslims, and Christians cross contested borders to spend time in each others cultures.

The press and the media in Egypt have come under widespread scrutiny in recent times, against a backdrop of press institutions increasingly coming under attack.  More and more, media professionals have been accused of not conveying news and information to the public in a professional manner, and of not publishing accurate, credible opinions.

"This is Dange Nwe Radio, refugee-to-refugee segment, from 8am to 12 noon, broadcast in Kurmanji and Arabic," a female broadcaster announces in a southern Iraqi accent. [...] The new refugee radio program on Dange Nwe (New Voice) Radio is staffed exclusively by Syrian and Iraqi women displaced by the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and the war in Syria.
