international exchange

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) signed an agreement on Sunday to increase education and research exchanges and collaborations. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, UMB President Jay A. Perman, MD, and the university’s faculty met with counterparts from the Hebrew University to ratify the extension of a student exchange program which began in 2013 and to explore future collaborative opportunities.

The Tao Nan Primary School pupil was among 120 students - 60 local Marine Parade residents and 60 from the Japanese School of Singapore - at Moshi Moshi, Hello! Singapore-Japan Exchange 2016, an event to promote intercultural exchange and mutual understanding between children from the local and Japanese communities.

he American Federation of Arts (AFA), Asia Society, the Chinese Museums Association, and the Nanjing Museum are pleased to announce the U.S.-China Museum Summit will take place in New York City from September 25 to 28, 2016, bringing together museum directors and cultural leaders from both countries. Participants will explore opportunities for cultural exchange...

“Under this programme, Martha and Tinashe will be provided with an opportunity to explore Indian culture and expose Indian children to their country’s art, culture, history, language, music and dance. The internship will be at Ryan International School, Chandigarh and Delhi.”

The program is the first initiative between India and Russia that will focus on science and technology based entrepreneurship. [...] will not only lay foundations for increased bilateral trade across the nations, but also further goals of key national initiatives like Start-Up India, Make-in-India and Digital India.

A cultural exchange delegation from China's Tibet autonomous region attended a seminar in Prague on Friday to deepen exchanges with Czechs. Jinmeiwangcuo, head of the delegation and the director of news office of the Tibet autonomous region government, said that representatives from Czech Senate and Parliament exchanged point of views with the delegation. 

Tafoya is a personal chef who has been in the business for almost fourteen years. Right now, he is in Kathmandu for two weeks upon the invitation of US Embassy for their culinary diplomacy program. “I’m here to promote American culture by sharing my knowledge about American food,” said Tafoya. 
