international exchange

A ceremony was held at the Chinese Embassy in Kenya on Thursday to bid farewell to 120 Kenyan students who have received scholarships to study in China. The Principal Secretary in the state department of higher education, Professor Colletta Suda said scholarships will boost Kenya's aspirations of expanding access to higher education for the youth.

The British Council India has come up with initiatives to launch new digital platforms under their campaign 'UK-India Year of Culture' with the aim to connect with the digital generation youngsters of India and UK culturally. [...] "We want to connect with the 4G generation who would like to travel with us digitally. Smart phones help connect with the younger generation and is one way to strengthen the cultural exchange between India and UK."

Fifteen PharmD students from the Keck School of Pharmacy embarked on an outreach trip to rural Romania to deliver much-needed medical care to citizens, according to USC News. Dr. Naomi Florea, an associate professor of clinical pharmacy, organized the two-week trip in July as part of the school’s Global Health Initiative. Three physicians and several Romanian translators accompanied the students.

August 25, 2016

During 2016, Korea has shown renewed efforts on the economic diplomacy front, particularly so towards Latin America. In that region, free trade agreements (FTAs) are in place with Chile, Peru, and Colombia ― the latter of which came into force July 15. Currently, multilateral negotiations are underway with countries from the Central American Integration System (SICA) since June and bilaterally with Ecuador since August 2015. 

Of Brennan’s roughly 200 employees, some 22 are now foreign nationals working here for one-year hitches. [...] Others hail from Turkey, Spain, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Ecuador. They’re here on the Exchange Visitor Program, also called the J-1 visa program, which is administered by the Department of State for foreigners to work or study in the U.S.

Organized by the Yunus Emre Institute under the auspices of the Presidency, the seceond Turkish Language Festival will take place on Aug. 27 at the Ülker Sports Arena, which will host 540 students from 46 countries. [...] The event comes at a meaningful time with ongoing conflicts dividing countries all around the world. 

Around a third of Saudi scholarship students in the UK are female, many of them outstanding scholars, creative artists and filmmakers. They are a massive soft-power asset that could aid Saudi Arabia address foreign public opinion about how Saudi women are benefiting from greater political, social and economic roles. Saudi diplomacy with the UK is mostly mediated by elites. 

The heads of missions of five Asean countries based in Dubai met in a networking event for the first time with leaders of their communities on Monday to discuss future areas of collaboration [...] “As a community, you need really to have a very good people-to-people interaction. What’s more important is this is our first public diplomacy programme by all the Asean consuls” Yousuf said.
