international exchange

Art has always been a great way to connect people from different countries and cultures. [...] It transcends borders, language, race, and cultures. The past week was a testament to that as 13 Filipino artists visited Malaysia through ArtDialogo, an initiative that proves to be the beginning of yet another opportunity for cultural exchange in the Southeast Asian region.

A new Confucius Classroom was inaugurated at the Universidad del Caribe (Unicaribe) by visiting Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong on Sunday in Cancun, in the southeast Mexican state of Quintana Roo. During the inauguration ceremony, Liu said that Mexican students' fluent Chinese and great performances made her feel the charm of cultural exchange, and see the bright future of friendly ties between the two countries. 

Governor KK Paul inaugurated the Baltic Research Centre at Dev Sanskriti Viswa Vidyalaya in Haridwar today [...] He said the establishment of the Baltic centre would not only strengthen our cultural ties with Baltic countries but also encourage research and explore our heritage, which had remained suppressed, in our country as well as in the Baltic states.

Since a teenager, Art Thomya, YouTube host and travel vlogger, has enthusiastically participated in Asean cultural exchange programmes. His passion for the region rings true until today. The 39-year-old, who wears a number of hats, uses his talent as an independent singer/songwriter and travel enthusiast to promote the Asean region's tourism and culture on his YouTube travel programme Hey! Asean.

The British Council has unveiled a series of cultural and educational programs aimed at promoting its 'Year of Culture' to be observed across India and UK in 2017. These will include student scholarships, partnerships between Indian and British universities and a roadshow on Shakespeare - the most enduring literary and cultural icon that unites the two countries.

The U.S. Department of State plans to send circus experts, acrobats or clowns to schools in Turkmenistan as part of a cultural exchange program. [...] “Through this program, Turkmen students and faculty of the Circus Arts Department will have a chance to work and learn from American professionals in a series of master-classes,” the grant summary says.

British Council on Friday launched '2017 UK-India Year of Culture' here to promote the spirit of cultural partnership. Aim of the campaign is to highlight the vibrant cultural history of two countries and celebrate the best 'cultural exports' together. The campaign plan was announced during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to London in November last year.

The scholarship winners would pursue their high learning education in the top Chinese universities [...] Handing out credentials to the winners at a ceremony held on the premises of the embassy yesterday Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia La Yifan said that over the year the Chinese government has granted 236 scholarship to Ethiopian students.
