international relations

Hans Morgenthau’s Politics Among Nations, originally published in 1948, is the bible of the realist school of international relations. A less well-known work, Truth and Power, is a collection of essays that he wrote during the 1960s which includes a 1968 piece entitled “The Far East,” wherein Morgenthau applied his realist approach to the balance of power in Asia and envisioned a world where China is the most powerful nation on earth.

As the behind-the-scenes diplomacy to halt Palestine's call for Israel to be suspended from FIFA enters its final phase, the head of the Palestine Football Association has provided FIFA with a timely example of why his controversial proposal remains on the table at the forthcoming FIFA Congress. 

May 19, 2015

CPD's 2014 annual review explores the growth of public diplomacy over the past year

An increasing number of unsupported, but plausible, claims assert a widening gap between the policy and academic communities in international relations. Certainly both IR scholars and IR practitioners perceive a growing gap between the academic and policy communities. But how would we know if there were an actual gap and whether it was growing or shrinking?

March 26, 2015

Global communications scholars Kaarle Nordenstreng and Daya Kishan Thussu have published a new book Mapping BRICS Media, a comprehensive anthology that analyzes the impact of of BRICS media on the 21st century global media and communications landscape.
