
May 24, 2016

Mark Dillen on combatting Russia's bot-automated information war. 

The press and the media in Egypt have come under widespread scrutiny in recent times, against a backdrop of press institutions increasingly coming under attack.  More and more, media professionals have been accused of not conveying news and information to the public in a professional manner, and of not publishing accurate, credible opinions.

ABC management has issued a strongly-worded statement refuting accusations of pro-government censorship [...] “The ABC has not, and never has, entered into an agreement with China or any country in regards to censorship of its content,” the ABC said in a strongly-worded statement.

The foreign ministry has brought a group of journalists from seven countries as part of its public diplomacy to project Bangladesh to the world. The 13 journalists from Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bahrain, Australia, Qatar, India, and Egypt have come as part of the ‘Visit Bangladesh Programme’ of the government.

The Paper is a new media success story in a fast-changing marketplace for news. It covers contentious issues — such as official corruption and a recent scandal involving improperly stored vaccines — with a clutch of digital bells and whistles. Its smartphone app, it says, has been downloaded about 10 million times.

The Advocate hosted Marco Jaramillo, a Colombian journalist who launched one of the country’s most prominent LGBT multimedia outlets, EgoCity. Jaramillo was the first out journalist to take part in the International Center for Journalism’s multipart fellowship [...] which brought experienced journalists from five different Latin American countries to the U.S. to work in 10 different newsrooms. 

In some respects the editorial direction of China’s international media reporting can be seen as an extension of the nation’s diplomacy. While the first principal of diplomacy is that it is the pursuit of national interests, one of the foundations of successfully diplomacy is promoting common interests. 

Xavier University of Louisiana students with visiting Pakistani journalists during their visit to New Orleans in January 2016.

The media's potential for empowering marginalized communities through public diplomacy.
