
Indie moviemakers often take on other roles—entrepreneur, advocate, teacher. Add cultural ambassador and diplomat to that list for some of America’s top cinematic thinkers.

The Nerve Center

With Al-Jazeera America's end, what is the state of English-language news networks?

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has pledged to uphold press freedom, saying it is the government’s “constitutional responsibility” and an indispensable element that makes Hong Kong an international city. Leung was delivering a speech on Monday at the presentation ceremony of the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong’s annual news awards.

The press and the media in Egypt have come under widespread scrutiny in recent times, against a backdrop of press institutions increasingly coming under attack.  More and more, media professionals have been accused of not conveying news and information to the public in a professional manner, and of not publishing accurate, credible opinions.

At a time when the government has taken a lot of heat in parliament and the media - on tax, welfare and Europe to name but a few issues - one issue has escaped high-level political scrutiny: ministers' plans for the future of the BBC. Ask yourself this: who is sticking up for the corporation’s funding and who is fighting for its independence? 

ABC management has issued a strongly-worded statement refuting accusations of pro-government censorship [...] “The ABC has not, and never has, entered into an agreement with China or any country in regards to censorship of its content,” the ABC said in a strongly-worded statement.

A new survey conducted by the Committee of 100 (C-100) – a non-profit organization of prominent Chinese American leaders from politics, business, media and entertainment, and academia [...] The aim of C-100's survey is to determine American attitudes toward China, including those of Chinese Americans, to foster a more fact-based dialogue within and between the two countries.

For decades, the voice of the Indian broadcasting sector was the All India Radio (AIR) station (now Akashvani or Voice from the sky) and public television station Doordarshan, which disseminated news and other information in the vast nation. The two government institutions held sway for decades following India’s independence and were a vital link between the government and the people.
