non-state actors

There's so much political irony to go around in this story. First, there's a construction company wholly owned by the Chinese government -- which generally has an attitude toward mosque construction in the People's Republic that ranges from somewhat uneasy to downright hostile...

Unsuspectingly, Sunday night's Academy Awards turned into a kind of prism of global politics as Oscars were given out to Iranian and Pakistani films as well as to a film produced by a French director with French actors financed with French subsidies.

Through trade, investment, educational exchanges and other outlets, the United States and China have dramatically increased their ties. Many experts believe these cross-cultural exchanges can foster mutual understanding between the two peoples in a way that is as effective as or sometimes even more effective than professional politics.

My own university has made an intentional effort to become home to some 8,000 international students...Such global diversity offers a meaningful learning laboratory not just for domestic students, but for international students who otherwise might be tempted to attend a relatively insulated American franchise in their home nation.

China’s new cross-strait action plan includes inviting Taiwanese to engage in “long stay” visits in China’s first-tier cities, living with selected Chinese families in an attempt to forge grassroots friendships. The Chinese authorities will also continue to encourage Taiwanese to study and work in China.

February 23, 2012

It started as a humble DJ session in a Bangkok bar. A few years later, it has traveled to Japan and Europe, spawned two CD compilations on international labels, and transformed into a biannual showcase starring some of Thailand’s most important musicians.

"It’s surprising and heartbreaking to see so many people misunderstand and misinterpret our country," says Kang Woo-sung, who is in the forefront of numerous campaigns designed to raise awareness of Korea in the United States. Based in Manhattan, Kang has so far organized efforts to correct confusing menus at the city’s Korean restaurants, and even went as far as introducing Korean ghosts.
