non-state actors

The wildly successful viral video campaign to raise global awareness of a brutal Central Africa rebel leader is attracting criticism from Ugandans, some who said Friday that the 30-minute video misrepresents the complicated history of Africa’s longest-running conflict.

Invisible Children has turned the myopic worldview of the adolescent -- "if I don't know about it, then it doesn't exist, but if I care about it, then it is the most important thing in the world" -- into a foreign policy prescription... Awareness of their plight achieved, child soldiers are now visible to the naked American eye.

Peres deserves credit for his forward-thinking, but his proposition stands on shaky grounds. If, to borrow that second headline (from The Washington Post), Facebook presents a new extra-governmental route to diplomacy, the governments should stay out of the way and let the people speak. But that isn't how it works in certain parts of the world.

We are facing a young generation that's exposed to a lot of misinformation...We didn't go there to garner support for government policy, but to present a different side of the conflict, and to tell them directly that by calling for boycott of Israel they won't bring hope for peace.

How do you use online and offline strategies to change, not just policy or corporate practice, but hearts and minds? Everyone might have made their Twitter pictures green during the Iranian elections, but when it comes to really changing the world, the experts say it’s going to take a lot more than a few tweets.

March 2, 2012

Farb believes that Israel’s survival depends on how it conducts business, in addition to its diplomacy and defense. He said that Israel’s technology, our lifeline, brings people from around the world here to study our technology, or to buy it.

Chinese firms investing overseas should focus more on public diplomacy..."They lack in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the international market, practices and rules, and they are not skilled at conducting public diplomacy with the local communities," said Zhao.

March 1, 2012

What’s the future of international broadcasting? Tony Maddox, the executive vice president of news organisation CNN International, thinks that despite changes in the world media environment, there will always be a role for traditional broadcasting.
