non-state actors

"Annie did a World Bank event at a critical time for us when we really needed to get the attention of mid-level staffers to get them to move stuff around autocrats. Usually you only get 50 people to show up for a World Bank event. We had, like, over 500.”

Organized by Dubai Women Establishment (DWE), in collaboration with Women 4 Sustainable Growth and MiL Institute, the Women Leadership Exchange Program is an innovative project created to facilitate knowledge sharing on methods for sustainable and participatory leadership.

I was recently at a Fortune 30 company working with a leadership core team to examine these questions and see how to cascade learnings and adjust lens viewings to be able to truly get the best of a global team dynamics.

"The goal of The Water Tank Project is to produce art as social intervention and bring about changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior among those who experience it." Ideally the artwork will increase awareness about the global water crisis, appreciation of high quality drinking water, and education about the negative consequences of plastic waste.

London's “world-class” universities can replace the military in projecting Britain’s influence overseas and bring long-term economic benefits to the UK, a top London academic said today...Universities could play a vital role in improving Britain’s future by selling their expertise to countries such as China, India, and expanding nations in central Asia and the Gulf.

American actor David Arquette is in Israel as a guest of the Tourism Ministry and the Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. Arquette, 41, is currently in Israel to film a segment in the popular Travel Channel series “Mile High.” The show, which will be broadcast on cable and satellite channels in the U.S., will showcase Israeli tourism

Mashable will be in Brazil to host Rio+Social, working with our Social Good Summit partners the United Nations Foundation and the 92nd Street Y. The event will explore how social media and technology can help create sustainable solutions for the future of the planet.

"The distinguished Pakistanis living abroad can also play a vital role to be a bridge between the countries of their residence and Pakistan and contribute towards expansion of business, trade and cultural relations. They can build goodwill and friendship between Pakistan and the world community through public and cultural diplomacy initiatives," Mr Malik said.
