non-state actors

Rita, however, with her striking beauty and bubbly demeanor, has emerged as an unexpected bond between ordinary Iranians and Israelis—part cultural ambassador, part antiwar spokeswoman. A picture of Rita with the banner, "Iranians we will never bomb your country," is posted on her Facebook page.

He impressed the interviewers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, which ranked 35th among all U.S. universities, with his 'soft power,' and was admitted to its undergraduate biomedical engineering program, which ranked second in the country. In addition, he won a quarter scholarship.

May 14, 2012

Over the years, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations has sent me to many countries to perform. Unlike professional engagements...the ICCR tours usually put you directly in the hands of Indian ambassadors in various countries, who then use you as best they think, besides having certain fixed arrangements at festivals.

Wang Jiarui, minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, stressed the importance of public diplomacy in China's overall diplomatic undertakings, adding that public diplomacy can help increase mutual trust and clarify misunderstandings between China and other countries.

American French Fry Brother," the nickname of an American study-abroad student, is now trending on Sina Weibo after he fed a homeless woman on the streets of Nanjing a packet of fries and some water..."Kindness has no borders," Sina Weibo said of Lu's act of philanthropy and McDonalds diplomacy, "Let kind hearts melt away indifference.

Rubin and Weleski are used to head-scratching reactions since they opened the Conflict Kitchen, a Pittsburgh cafe that serves cuisine only from countries in conflict with the United States, with a menu that rotates to reflect the war or diplomatic row of the moment.

While the Israeli government has threatened military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons that could wipe out the small nation - something Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has touted-, regular Israeli citizens are opting for a pre-emptive strike - of love.
