
Across the 2020–21 academic year, scholars and practitioners explored the nation of Singapore, museum diplomacy, PD evaluation and more.

CPD is pleased to welcome Emily Metzgar, Director of the School of Media and Journalism at Kent State University and former CPD Research Fellow, as Guest Editor for the CPD Perspectives series.

The latest issue of CPD Perspectives is an article by CPD Research Fellow Alexander Buhmann & co-author Erich J. Sommerfeldt of the University of Maryland.

In 2019, public diplomacy scholars and practitioners explored city diplomacy, PD in the EU and Korea, public attitudes and more.

"To succeed in their global missions, cities, their home states and the federal government all have work to do," writes Kyle Hutzler of McKinsey & Co.

CPD Research Fellow Lindsay Benstead's analysis of Arab Barometer data from 15 countries spanning the decade between 2006 and 2016.

CPD Research Fellow Zahid Shahab Ahmed and co-authors analyze social media discourse surrounding the Pakistan leg of China's Belt & Road Initiative.

CPD is pleased to welcome Robert Banks, CPD Faculty Fellow and USC Annenberg Associate Professor in the Master of Public Diplomacy program, as Guest Editor our scholarly paper series.