public diplomacy

Millions of Iranians hunger not only for news, but for democracy. For the U.S. government’s international broadcasting complex, Iran is a place where a good communication strategy is a necessity; Tragically, America’s principal instrument, Voice of America’s Persian News Network (PNN), has simply not been up to the task.

Under the Obama Administration’s proposed FY 13 budget, the potential damage to...the Voice of America would be unprecedented...Such hemorrhaging must be halted if the free flow of information from America to the world is to be secured...for the Voice’s 140 million weekly listeners in 43 languages around the globe.

The cultural institutions of most countries are autonomous, unconnected with any local educational facility. But China’s Confucius Institutes are different, leading to criticism from some teachers, education authorities and parts of the media.

In this world, the United States will not use dicta or hegemon power to shape or control the world order. Instead, the United States has a more humble role with a soft-power advantage, and hence the superpower will not be at the center of global issues ...

The priority of PD is set by one’s definition of it...Whether we decide to advocate for PD within or outside the bureaucracies of the U.S. government, they will undeniably affect us in one way or another throughout our careers in PD. The key will be to understand the interagency relationships and strive to remain nonpartisan in our approach to PD.

APDS Blogger: Lisa Liberatore

Washington, D.C. is a city of politics, power, and ploy. As the first delegation of Public Diplomacy Masters students representing USC to visit D.C., 18 of us set out to navigate the role of PD and meet its practitioners in this influential city. Our excursion led us to three very significant U.S. bureaucracies: the Department of State, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

How do you use online and offline strategies to change, not just policy or corporate practice, but hearts and minds? Everyone might have made their Twitter pictures green during the Iranian elections, but when it comes to really changing the world, the experts say it’s going to take a lot more than a few tweets.

It has been at least five years since Zhao Qizheng introduced public diplomacy to China at the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body in China. However, this form of unofficial, cross-cultural communication faces a rather uncertain future with Zhao's retirement this year as CPPCC spokesman.
