public diplomacy

Sharjah has opened its doors to national and international media, and pledged to offer real-time responses to incidents and inquires for information about incidents taking place in the emirate. The Sharjah Media Centre will facilitate the flow of information and news from different departments in the emirate to local and international media.

Whatever became of President Barack Obama’s vaunted foreign policy czars, who were to transform America’s international relations through soft power diplomacy? The answer is nothing good. One by one the czars have fallen by the wayside, leaving a trail of bureaucratic irritation and diplomatic failure behind them.

Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong met with Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, pledging to actively promote relationships between China and the EU. Vassiliou said...that such exchanges will enhance communication in the areas of education and culture, and promote further cooperation.

Robert Ford, the American ambassador to Syria, slipped out of the country on Sunday after credible threats were made against him. Ford and the Damascus embassy staff have been posting extensive content criticizing Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to Facebook and offering public sympathy for Syrian rebels.

Social media is not, of course, a substitute for the long-term and difficult work that undoubtedly lies ahead in Van where thousands are now homeless and winter is fast encroaching. Nor should it make us complacent as to the impact of our efforts. But as a reminder of what human kindness can achieve, it too has its place.

October 24, 2011

WikiLeaks has had some major successes...But judged by its own ambitions -- and the worst fears of its detractors ...the grand experiment of turning WikiLeaks into a conduit for "mass document leaking" has been an abysmal failure.

From October 24 through November 11, emerging journalists from 105 countries will participate in the U.S. Department of State’s Edward R. Murrow Program. The flagship initiative...will connect international journalists with their American counterparts, where they will meet in both the newsroom and in United States’ journalism classrooms.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy and the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy was pleased to welcome Michael Posner, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor for a dialogue on Internet freedom.
