
CPD Research Fellow Joel Day writes, dismantling racial injustice brick by brick requires understanding its foundation.

The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs hosted the fourth annual diversity workshop for students and young professionals July 20–24.

CPD highlights five significant books and articles on the connection between race relations and public diplomacy.

How a group of German graffiti artists are using art to fight racism.

Mark Dillen asks how the Charlottesville protests "will affect the way the world sees us — and the way we see ourselves."
It is hard to imagine Africans would record and release an album of music with the name White African Power. But that is the title of an album released this month by the Tanzanian Albinism Collective, a group of amateur musicians from Africa who have albinism — a rare genetic condition that results in a lack of pigment in skin, hair or eyes. [...] White African Power is the newest in a string of projects produced by Brennan that seek to give voice to people who are normally voiceless.
Hidden Figures is a reminder that America's strength lies in its diversity.