Accepting applications for the inaugural cohort through June 15.
A PD faculty member from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (Republic of Korea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) joins CPD.
Across the 2020–21 academic year, scholars and practitioners explored the nation of Singapore, museum diplomacy, PD evaluation and more.
Isabelle Karlsson is the latest recipient of this annual research award.
Accepting applications through November 16 from PD scholars and practitioners pursuing research questions at the cutting edge of public diplomacy.
As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.
CPD is pleased to welcome Emily Metzgar, Director of the School of Media and Journalism at Kent State University and former CPD Research Fellow, as Guest Editor for the CPD Perspectives series.
Justin Key Canfil is the latest recipient of this annual research award.