social media
North Korean propaganda has emerged on popular Internet social media sites. It is not for domestic consumption as virtually no North Korean has Internet access. Rather it is targeted at other countries, especially South Korea.
The Foreign Ministry launched its official Youtube channel on Wednesday at the web address, with the channel featuring nearly 130 videos about life in Israel. Until Wednesday, all of the Foreign Ministry’s videos were presented on the Israel MFA page.
He blames the media for creating a "witch's brew" by shaping "political, socio-economic, religious, perceptions" in the Middle East. But perhaps most surprisingly, Imam Feisal goes so far as proposing that the media not report on suicide attacks, an argument that naïvely underestimates the power of new digital media outlets, like YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter.
From a Strategic Communications and Public Diplomacy perspective, evaluation has become increasingly important with forthcoming reports and even spending decisions, for example, in the UK.
The four media students developed The Secrets Behind the UAE Identity as part of their graduating project. The manuscript was finished within two months. As a part of their marketing strategy, they have used social networking websites, created radio advertisements and held mall events where the book was distributed for free.
Never did I think it would be Kim Jong Il who would get me to open a Twitter account. North Korea turned me around. Who can resist Dear Leader Kim’s propaganda arm churning out crazed statements in 140 characters?
How are mobile phones- the most ubiquitous communications device in human history- being utilized to enhance engagement in international communication and dialogue? This research project seeks to overview the landscape, or “The State Of,” mobiles and social media in public diplomacy, through an examination of initiatives conducted by a) Governments, b) International Organizations, and c) Non-State Actors.
Better communication of EU affairs by public service broadcasters is key to bridging the gap between the European Union and its citizens, said the European Parliament yesterday (7 September), highlighting in particular the "huge potential" of social media to reach out to young people.