soft power

Crediting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “whirlwind tours” and “out-of-the-box initiatives” for bringing about a sea change in India’s global image, the Union Minister for External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Sushma Swaraj on Wednesday said even softer powers, like yoga, Indian curry and Bollywood songs, have contributed to enhancing the “image of a new India”.

This year has seen marked resurgence in the use of hard power by states in pursuit of national interests. Yet, not so long ago, talk in diplomatic, academic and journalistic circles focused on the growing importance of soft power in international relations.

The EU prides itself on its soft power that consists, among other things, of helping build the rule of law, granting financial assistance and development aid, and extending trade-preferential tariffs. In the case of Moldova, it is the very attractiveness of the EU itself that has remained a magnet for the majority of the country's 3.5 million inhabitants.

The US remains deeply popular around the world, as soft power and branding are used as tools of cultural imperialism.

The 13th Pravasi Bharat Diwas, starting Wednesday in Gandhinagar, will be used by the Narendra Modi government to showcase not just opportunities unleashed by a wave of economic reforms but also emphasize use of India's soft power to conduct its foreign policy.

It is well known that Turkey has expanded its soft power through international aid, which was about $3.4 billion in 2012. It is quite likely more than that now. Regarding a specific case, in September 2014, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), and the Mexican Agency for International Development (AMEXCID) on close cooperation in terms of regional and international aid projects.

Israel's advanced technology developments have become its most prominent soft power tool for boosting diplomatic ties and improving its position in the world, enhancing its own security in the process. 

Human rights groups have urged Scottish universities to sever links with Chinese language centres that have sparked worldwide fears over academic freedom.
