soft power

Hundreds of young Muslim women from the west who travelled to Syria to marry fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, known as Isis, are part of what experts call, the “soft-power” of the militants. Isis has used social media to attract new recruits and build an image of the group as a reincarnation of the just and righteous state to which many Muslims aspire.

After being expelled from numerous Latin American countries for dubious activity, the United States organization USAID has developed a reputation of an organization that while providing aid is also developing ways to undermine governments in a number of the continent’s countries.

Project Mausam is Prime Minister Modi’s answer to China’s charm offensive.

October 26, 2014

Culture, in its widest interpretation, is the cumulative level of excellence achieved by a society in all the areas of creative and intellectual expression. That level of creative refinement constitutes the soft power of a country

From China’s point of view, such a bank makes perfect sense.For the developing countries in Asia, it will be a new source of funding. For China, it will be a channel to strengthen soft power and enhance economic benefits. 

Jamaican Ambassador to Brazil, Her Excellency Alison Stone Roofe, says her embassy staff has already started preparations to capitalize on the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

The festival has struck a multi-year deal with the Japan Foundation’s recently created Asia Center to help it bring in Asian films and film-makers to Tokyo and also to expand Japanese cultural influence in Asia.

Brazilian Embassy cultural attache Raphael Tosti de Almeida Vieira has an ace up his sleeve. (...)His ace is Brazilian music. “It’s the Brazilian soft power,” Tosti says of his country’s rich musical heritage that includes internationally beloved genres such as samba and bossa nova.
