soft power
While China’s economy raced ahead on the back of its low-cost manufacturing skills, India has become an information technology hub because of the skills of its software engineers. But concerns are growing that India may be losing the edge as China pours much more money into science, research and innovation.
In 2012, every country that has global clout, and every country that aspires to that status, will use smart power — a combination of soft and hard power — to achieve national goals. India is not doing badly, but it has to brace itself for hard battles in soft power in the years to come.
There is not much Germany can do about it but to continue being a peaceful and democratic country using its economic and ‘soft’ power to advance along its own interests the interests of the EU it now leads.
Turkish politicians exaggerate Turkey's hard and soft power, so much so that they sometimes do not refrain from chiding other states. In theory, a little bit of exaggerating is useful in guiding public attitudes to important issues.
But Turkey's inclusion in the NATO missile shield project, its balancing role in Iraq, ability to confront the Assad regime in Syria, growing economy and soft power will convince the White House that Ankara is an asset for US national security and other interests abroad.
The problem is not with the entertainment industry per se – Hollywood is one of America’s greatest exports to the world, a form of soft power as well as storytelling that can inspire hearts and minds.
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei...summed up China's diplomatic achievements in 2011, and said China will adhere to the path of peaceful development...China safeguarded the security and rights of Chinese nationals... and carried out public and cultural diplomacy