soft power

December 29, 2011

On a "win-loss" scale, Hamas features more as amongst the "winners" not "losers" of the Arab Spring. Ismail Haniyeh's current diplomacy "shuttle" around several Arab capitals is designed, amongst other things, as a declaratory policy embracing the Arab Spring

India's ascent to "new world power" is both true and what Edward Bernays, the founder of public relations, called "false reality"...What is always exciting about India is this refusal to comply with political mythology and gross injustice.

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The website, set up recently by the Government Information Office, includes sections such as the history of Taiwanese comics, news related to locally and foreign produced comics, and newly published comic books. It has also has a discussion forum...

As an arm of Turkish soft power and growing regional influence, civil society organisations and doctors are leading the way to make a measurable impact on the ground in Africa.

The Delhi International Arts Festival (DIAF) lined up a host of cultural activities to celebrate the 100th Year of the Emergence of Delhi as the capital city. In its 5th year, India’s ‘Signature Festival’ maintained its strong position on the international cultural map... The festival served as a significant platform for cultural diplomacy, cutting across geographical barriers and looking beyond cultural stereotypes.

America still has much soft power from the sales of weapons to Iraq, the need of Iraqi counterterrorism forces to work with U.S. Special Forces. Then there's the issue of America helping Iraq with investment, getting foreign companies in, and the issue of ending Iraq's Chapter Seven status at the UN...

December 28, 2011

The clash between the two has led to a nationwide debate over the merits and flaws of the "Chongqing model" and the "Guangdong model". Liu said the debate had focused on defining socialist "core values", "cultural soft power" and universal values, which was raised and soon muffled by the top ideological machinery - the Central Party School.

December 28, 2011

With the world’s largest economy as well as its reserve currency, the most capable military, considerable cultural, scientific, and moral soft power, and many other strengths, America also has substantial opportunities. The United States has produced much of the technological innovation that is currently transforming the world...
